If you want to be successful using Pay-Per-Click to sell your online goods and services, you’ve got to develop a successful PPC formula.
If you want to be successful using Pay-Per-Click to sell your online goods and services, you’ve got to develop an successful PPC formula. Every online marketer may have his own way of using Pay-Per-Click tactics and each one set up his own approach for Pay Per Click to work for him. No matter whatever technique you apply, you should be aware of vital Pay-Per-Click secrets when you think of using your own Pay Per Click formula or that planned by some other person. Top most secret of Pay-Per-Click formula is that sale of products is the crucial part of your Pay Per Click marketing campaign. Of course, it is important to have maximum number of clicks on your Pay-Per-Click advertisement, but if these advertisements do not get converted to sales, it is not a great deal. To have a successful Pay-Per-Click campaign it is very important that you have a complete tab and examining of Pay Per Click advertisements.
How Pay Per Click conversion can be tested? Various techniques are described in the Affiliate Classroom online university. One of the simplest techniques is to build up numerous Pay Per Click advertisements for each of your online promotions, rather than just one. For the same promotion you can have approximately 4 or 5 advertisements. Matching keywords can be used for all 4 to 5 advertisements and each advertisement can have a link to various pages on your website. Although if the pages have different URL, you need to make sure that the content is same on all the pages. The advantage of this method is that you can find out which advertisement produces more visits to your websites and then you can make advertisements of similar types.
Let us assume that you have made 4 such advertisements and every advertisement generates somewhere around 500 clicks, now using the Web tracking logos, you can find out as to which of the advertisements generated more sales. Say that “Advertisement #1″ sent 500 clicks and from those you made 3 sales, and that “Advertisement #2″ sent 500 clicks and from those you made 2 sales, and “Advertisement #3″ sent 500 clicks and those generated 7 sales, while “Advertisement #4″ logged 500 clicks but only one sale. The conversion rate for these advertisements will be 0.6%, 0.4%, 1.4%, and 0.2% respectively. It is very much noticeable that “Advertisement #4” has excellent performance. Therefore, when you put together your own Pay Per Click formula, you should include the advertising feature that delivers the most return on investment: in this case, it would be “Advertisement #4″. With Affiliate Classroom, you can plan your own Pay Per Click Formula, which assists to generate maximum returns on investment.
Of course there are other things to consider in developing a successful Pay Per Click formula, such as keyword research and the actual cost-per-click compared to income generated by the Pay Per Click traffic.
And shortly you will find out that by following these instructions, your sales automatically boost and your business grows.
If you want to be successful using Pay-Per-Click to sell your online goods and services, you’ve got to develop an successful PPC formula. Every online marketer may have his own way of using Pay-Per-Click tactics and each one set up his own approach for Pay Per Click to work for him. No matter whatever technique you apply, you should be aware of vital Pay-Per-Click secrets when you think of using your own Pay Per Click formula or that planned by some other person. Top most secret of Pay-Per-Click formula is that sale of products is the crucial part of your Pay Per Click marketing campaign. Of course, it is important to have maximum number of clicks on your Pay-Per-Click advertisement, but if these advertisements do not get converted to sales, it is not a great deal. To have a successful Pay-Per-Click campaign it is very important that you have a complete tab and examining of Pay Per Click advertisements.
How Pay Per Click conversion can be tested? Various techniques are described in the Affiliate Classroom online university. One of the simplest techniques is to build up numerous Pay Per Click advertisements for each of your online promotions, rather than just one. For the same promotion you can have approximately 4 or 5 advertisements. Matching keywords can be used for all 4 to 5 advertisements and each advertisement can have a link to various pages on your website. Although if the pages have different URL, you need to make sure that the content is same on all the pages. The advantage of this method is that you can find out which advertisement produces more visits to your websites and then you can make advertisements of similar types.
Let us assume that you have made 4 such advertisements and every advertisement generates somewhere around 500 clicks, now using the Web tracking logos, you can find out as to which of the advertisements generated more sales. Say that “Advertisement #1″ sent 500 clicks and from those you made 3 sales, and that “Advertisement #2″ sent 500 clicks and from those you made 2 sales, and “Advertisement #3″ sent 500 clicks and those generated 7 sales, while “Advertisement #4″ logged 500 clicks but only one sale. The conversion rate for these advertisements will be 0.6%, 0.4%, 1.4%, and 0.2% respectively. It is very much noticeable that “Advertisement #4” has excellent performance. Therefore, when you put together your own Pay Per Click formula, you should include the advertising feature that delivers the most return on investment: in this case, it would be “Advertisement #4″. With Affiliate Classroom, you can plan your own Pay Per Click Formula, which assists to generate maximum returns on investment.
Of course there are other things to consider in developing a successful Pay Per Click formula, such as keyword research and the actual cost-per-click compared to income generated by the Pay Per Click traffic.
And shortly you will find out that by following these instructions, your sales automatically boost and your business grows.