Learn how to make more money writing articles.
Is it really possible to make money writing articles? In the beginning I was doubtful, but with a few articles I’ve written, I’ve begun earning an adequate amount of money to make writing worth my while. There are some simple principles and techniques that will allow you to write good articles that get larger viewers and generate more advertisement profits, thus earning you extra money.
The best thing about making money from writing articles is that there is no limit to how much you can earn per article. You will be continuously getting paid as long as your articles gets traffic and earn ad revenues. Here are some secrets to make more and good money from writing articles.
Choose your topic intelligently – You can earn more money from your articles if you select topics that are well supported by advertisers. Most hot topics to write articles and to make more money are health related articles, beauty and skin care topics, money making or business ideas.
Use keywords and key phrases – It is most important to use keywords and key phrases throughout your article in order to get good traffic from search engines. You should choose keywords and phrases that most of the people are likely to use when searching for a topic. Include your main keywords and phrases at least once in the introduction, and once in every step. Use free tools like Google AdWords to generate a list of important keywords for your topic. This is most important part to make ongoing money from your writing.
Promote your articles a lot – Promote your articles on top social networking sites like digg, stumbleupon, twitter, Facebook, shetoldme, mixx and reddit. The more you promote the more you get traffic to your articles. And your articles will generate more ad revenue.

How to earn more money from one article
First signup to Triond.com. Triond pays 50% of the commission made from the advertisements that appear in your articles.
Write an article in Triond.com and after the article is published post that same article to Bukisa.com and Factoidz.com. So you can post the same article to these websites and can earn some more money from your articles.
For Step-by-Step procedure to write on Triond you can get the details HERE.